As of 1700 hrs today there is nothing new to report.
That is sad news for the holidays, and the four issues that are sticking points are as follows:
- Surplus factor 80
- Termination rights
- Reasonable efforts to find you work
- The employer mishandling SICK TIME!!
When we, the Union, offered to help the employer deal with officer stress at MERC and Provincial health and safety they shrugged us off and continued to mishandle the issue.
When we, the Union, explained to the auditors all the factors that we believe cause high sick time totals they dismissed us as abusers of a benefit instead of coming up with solutions.
When we, the Union, tried to be a trilateral resource to enact the duty to accommodate properly they stalled to avoid exposing their mishandling of return to work protocols and post traumatic stress issues that continue to cause high sick time levels.
This issue can't ever be dropped by us as a bargaining issue to stave off a strike or we will lose more than we ever hope to gain.
I stress that you support the Union in defeating any offer that guts our ability to look after ourselves since the employer refuses to offer any assistance that is meaningful in our high stress environment.
In solidarity, Emidio.