Sunday, July 27, 2008

Looking back and looking forward...

I have intentionally waited a few days since this posting due to members asking me many questions regarding the emergency meeting and what my stance is on the HPro3, version 2, issues and ramifications.

I still maintain that the members have to read and use the new protocol for what it is intended to do:
  • To get all workers on one protocol so we can normalize relations at each local site,
  • To show the amount of overtime to eventually negotiate immediate triggers to create jobs for fixed-term(unclassified) staff,
  • To take all of our member's barriers in signing up for overtime into account as we keep negotiating the terms of the protocols,
  • To keep moving the protocol past what is already in any agreements, both locally and beyond our provincial agreement.
  • To move us past the first version of HPro3.

I can appreciate that members want a great protocol in the end.

I am confident that the new version is better than the first version of HPro3 and that the end result will be better than the local hiring protocol.

As far as the need for job actions and what we should do next, I would propose a motion to withdraw availability for overtime to attain an agreement to rollover all our staff and have a real complement increase to reflect staffing needs.

Would you?

In solidarity, Emidio.

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